Why you should never "follow your passion" when it comes to entrepreneurship

One quick promo before we jump in:

I've been utilizing a company called RecruitJet to help me build my management teams at my companies.

Sales leaders, operations managers, engineers and more.

If your company is growing and you need help recruiting the right people. Reach out to Brian at RecruitJet.


Worst advice in entrepreneurship:

Follow your passion.

I hear it all the time.

"Chase your passion and you'll never work a day in your life."

It's wrong.

People who make decisions like this are more likely to pick the wrong business. If you can look at the market unemotionally and pick what is most likely to make money, you will win.

It isn’t about you! The market could care less what you are passionate about.

Nobody cares what YOU love. The market is brutal.

Don’t be selfish!

People always ask me the same thing when I give this advice:

"Well then what is in it for you? The money?"

My answer:

Winning. Succeeding. Building something great and giving people opportunity.

Making money is a sign that you are winning. Making money is fun.

What isn't fun:

Losing. Struggling. Having customers tell you no and struggling to make rent.

Employees like a growing business. Partners like a growing business. Vendors like a profitable business. Even CUSTOMERS prefer to do business with a thriving, healthy company.

If you follow your passion you are more likely to chase a business with other passionate people who don't make logical decisions.

And the most important thing of all:

Running a business at a high level always consists of the same things:

Hiring. Firing. Managing. Selling. Decision making.

Very rarely is a successful restaurant owner back in the kitchen cooking food.

He's out recruiting talent or working with suppliers or designing a new menu.

I'm not passionate about self storage. Or cost segregation. Or building websites or marketing or SEO or insurance or recruiting or training or pest control.

I'm passionate about business. Building teams. Sales. Hiring. Delegation. Opportunity.


A few of my most popular tweets this week:



What I've been up to the last 4 days:






Nick Huber


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113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205

I have financial interest in many companies mentioned in this newsletter.

Nick Huber

I own a real estate firm with over 1.9 million square feet of self storage and 45 employees. I also own 6 other companies with over 400 employees. I send deal breakdowns with P&Ls. Newsletter topic: Real Estate, Management, Entrepreneurship

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